Misuse of The Flow of Energy

Misuse of Energy

based in[Actions]
and where we place our intentions. . .

A Lesson from my Elders, through words spoken and through their actions, taught me a lot about growth.
They taught me about things like “what happens if you put all of your energy into what others think or into that which you do not want”?

This was demonstrated by them when showing how NOT to take energy away from your own experiences by discrediting what you know.
Something often seen in people based on the choices and the actions that they take while living. . .
leading me back to the principles that I’ve mentioned in previous posts when referencing my hair locking journey!
Everything written here is always connected and loops back to it, in one way or another, as new lessons are learned.

A connection to my willingness to learn from the growth and the experiences that accompany me on my journey.

These lessons are changing my focus that’s for sure. . . as I began to observe patterns in connections that I hadn’t noticed before.

<*>scientifically speaking<*>

[You see] in my opinion ::

dreadlocks form when hair fibers join together to work in unison and strengthen each other, just as does strands of DNA and other molecular structures, due to the forces of nature that directs them to.

These forces are some of our “best teachers”;
and they have helped shape my research as well as how I am coming to recognize and fine tune it;
I have learned to find my own voice, and to grow with it out of this experience as well as several others similar to it.

You see, I started to learn more and more things and to do so very quickly.
As a young girl I was always amazed and overwhelmed by Science;
but as I grew into an Adult while in college, I became consumed with observing and documenting the world being revealed to me through the Lens that had been made available while studying within the Discipline known as
“ Behavioral Science”.
It was all the rave to the younger, academic in me.
what was I to do
while being educated to receive a Bachelors of Science in Human Development… Yes, therefore how could I not?
Now that I am making plans to work towards a PhD in Human Development, the focus of my lens has evolved once again.

It has developed further into other realms that I have come to experience as life happens all around me.
So many changes are constantly happening throughout society which keeps my little “spidey sensors” alert and tuned in to them.

I continue to gain more and more knowledge and am now working hard towards turning this knowledge into wisdom as I write and type this;
all awhile my drive, that guides and directs me, has remained rooted in the philosophy of what my hair locking journey means to me.
This driving force of energy keeps me connected to my roots and to those who came before me.

Now I have digressed but what I am trying to say is that my determination is still based in reaching my goal of learning about growth and personal development through my hair journey.
Then I will be able to use my new observations to help guide my future research.

In the months ahead I will share more and more of my results along with the theories and the conclusions that develop.

For starters I can proudly say that I have begun to see things from a new perspective.
I now look towards all of the new alternatives that have risen on how to view them…
yes, so many other possibilities that were unknown or unused before are becoming prevalent since I am allowing myself to view them without the limitations of what others might think or how others have thought about them before me.

As the realm of occurrences widens my thinking, what becomes real and materializes for me, now differs.
It appears that I have now learned to pay attention to the Nature of Science... and how it determines how we consider the things that are happening all around us.
…a very important factor in not only Human Development but also in how we choose to live our lives.

I am currently examining the observations that I’ve made more deeply through new understandings along with their origins, taking notice of how they can animate things when we give life to them or rather when we give them our energy.

[ yes, those are photos of me from several years ago up above at the start of my life altering health journey]
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