Building A Strong Foundation

❝ I ain't really trippin out on Jordans,
Never fallin and lose my high.
Who cares if your shoes are tied,
When you can fly?
I can never close my eyes,
Sleep is temporary suicide,
Yet they always want to kill your shine...
Crucify you if you are too alive ❞.

My Roots are deep but they have been damaged.
With my artistic endeavors of healing I try to share overlapping similarities, found along the journey of life that can repair anything!
Like that witnessed during the spontaneous, re-combining nature of the roots of my dread-locked hair!!
I call such things :: THE ARTs OF THE SCEINCEs OF LIFE
and they form the FOUNDATION from which Family Building Essentials start. . .
With the Art of Life in its entirety combined into it.”
This Foundation has been developed into a Family Business that I and my Family are Building.
( please inquire here for more info:

First, and foremost, we must:

always take into account all of the
~"patterns in nature and what it is that all things stem from”~

This allows us to become cognizant of what is causing the healing or what is not.

Through Art and Expression,
we humans provide examples of a love for things that are in our life, which should be done responsibly.
One favorite of mine is the repairing nature that I've witnessed during my natural hair locking journey; therefore it's correlation will come through in much of my Art and my writings.

I will also share some of our expressions, like the one expressed above in the opening paragraph written by my Son, as well as other forms from other family members through things such as music, poetry, and film. . .
These are a part of our collective, vivid-impressions;
they will be transferred and translated through the immutable, reflective side of us as depicted through the beauty of Art over the coming months.
You can find out more at the link in my bio on Instagram { @vividmpression } as they become available on all of our blogs and social media.

Please feel free to follow along with me and I hope that you'll like what you see because as many know,

My heart was my first Canvass,
Through the desires of it
I have painted my Life.

My Children were my second Canvass,
Through the desires of them
My light would Shine.

My life's work is my Heart.
What is desired is what has been put into It.
May peace fall upon us all as ONE in acts.

What is in the heart is what is desired and that which will manifest in our youth on this “Canvass” called Life; Let us protect their minds with the strength demonstrated in a ring of Elephants protecting their young so that they always Shine Through as Creators of Beauty!

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